Sunday, September 11, 2011

I'm Just Me

Okay, I've realized I am not going to change for anyone, even if I wanted to. I am me, nothing more and nothing less. I am human. What exactly does that mean? It means I make mistakes, I am confused, I am irritated, I am a mess, a wreck holding onto anything and everything I can while I ride the roller-coaster of life. Oh? That's what you are too? Well I am nothing you want, trust me. Why? Because I am fucking complicated:

I get irritated when people 'enter' through the 'exit' door at supermarkets when I'm trying to get out, and even more irritated when people 'exit' through the 'enter' door when I'm trying to get in

I cannot, and will not, under any circumstance, drink out of a glass at any ones house unless it is rinsed under the sink

Sometimes I lie about where I am at, and what I am doing, merely to avoid people I don't like

I won't take a shower when its raining

I can go from loving someone to hating them in a matter of minutes, and stick to it

If I pull out in front of someone on the road, I feel the need to exceed 3RPM, and It pisses me off when they don't do the same

I smell everything I eat before I eat it, as a precaution to make sure i'm not being poisoned

I can't go anywhere without my cellphone

I am two-faced, and very nice to some people I honestly can't stand

I like new music, or whatever is popular, and I refuse to change that, I like what everyone else likes.

Im OCD, and it may be undiagnosed, but don't argue with me over it

I say i'm going to do a lot of things that frankly, I am NEVER going to do

I may act 110% into something someone is saying, but honestly I could care less

I change my mind very easily, and I won't let people know when I do so

I order Mcdonald's cheeseburgers with everything on it, and wipe it all off, rather than ordering it plain

If I don't answer the phone the second time, I am obviously ignoring you

I refuse to lick envelopes, I have no reason for it, but I refuse

If someone is going to AIM me, they better consolidate their thoughts in one message
messages like
this pisses me off

I could continue, but there is only 24 hours in a day. I am me, and I will do as I want, when I want, how I want.

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